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Future Framing Guided Visualizations

Step into your future self's shoes, anywhere, any time, collapsing time. Speed up your path to success with a trio of immersive audio-guided visualizations for easy absorption on the go.

Are you ready to meet your future self?

“After listening to you, I realized it's ME that needs to flip the switch. Here I am complaining that I have so much on my plate, but what am I doing to make the portion smaller? Thank you for that wake up call!”
-KD, Masterclass Attendee
Your order summary
Signature Podcourse: Inside Job
It's time for you to be your own inside man. Unlock self awareness, intimacy and confidence within -- the clock is ticking. Arriving November 2023.
Bonus Offer
Future Framing Guided Visualizations

Step into your future self's shoes, anywhere, any time, collapsing time. Speed up your path to success with a trio of immersive audio-guided visualizations for easy absorption on the go.

Are you ready to meet your future self?

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- $222
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- $22
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You saved $222
Bonus Offer
Future Framing Guided Visualizations

Step into your future self's shoes, anywhere, any time, collapsing time. Speed up your path to success with a trio of immersive audio-guided visualizations for easy absorption on the go.

Are you ready to meet your future self?